A discussion with Dominique de Villepin reveals his vision as a passionate "Poet in the corridor of power," shaped by a diverse upbringing and a love for art and diplomacy, emphasising cultural integration, universal values, and the impo...
Exploring the beautiful and eclectic art collection of fine jewellery designer Rosa de la Cruz, displayed in her Knightsbridge home. The daughter of the founders of the de la Cruz Collection, Miami's leading private art museum, her selec...
Explore the life and style of Helene Nguyen-Ban, a dynamic art collector whose innovative approach and multicultural background have made her a beacon of inspiration in the global art scene.
Exploring the interplay of art, culture, and capital, I delve into the dynamic art scenes of London and Paris, unravelling the nuances of taste, influence, and innovation in these iconic European metropolises.
Edouard Carmignac, the founder of the Carmignac Foundation and a renowned French financial magnate, defies the common stereotypes associated with collectors from financial backgrounds. I had the pleasure of speaking with his son, Charles...
The Gräflings possess an uncanny knack for spotting talented artists ahead of market trends and collaborate with them to create truly unique experiences.
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